Ermes is a pioneering solution to empower your company against contemporary cyber-threats.
The Ermes application agents periodically send information on the traffic generated by devices, in order to allow the EIS Backend Server to identify any new threat and spread it to agents. Identification is performed using proprietary algorithms thanks to whom the server process information quickly and automatically. Collected information The Ermes’ agents collect traffic logs that describe the HTTP, HTTPS, WS (WebSocket) and WSS (Secure WebSocket) transactions that the device establishes: for privacy reasons EIS agents do not collect the body of requests or replies. Data storage Ermes has been structured in order to preserve user privacy: therefore, the system is not able to associate traffic information with the user’s identity in any way. In order to do that information are stored in two separate environments:
- The first one contains information about traffic logs
- The second one contains information about devices (device serial number, user serial number), that are used in the dashboard for administrative activities.